Friday, 3 December 2010

Three beaches

This project which is nearly finished, the frames/boxes still need to be framed with glass. But each frame or box cases a different beach/area from the coastline of Kintyre. Each one contains a photo litho of the area, a litho print drawing of an object from the area and three different objects which i have collected from each area. The objects are all natural matter, from flints, driftwood, shells, shark eggs and interesting seaweeds. The top beach is on the Learside, the middle is Southend/Carskiey and the bottom is the Gauldrins.

(above) Flints that i found on a beach on the Learside road in Kintyre.
(Above and below) Sea Urchins.

Latest Litho Prints

This term i have been doing lithographs, both hand drawn lithos and photograph litho plates.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

More land art - stone cairn

During the summer i spent some time camping at the Gauldrins and tried to build a stone cairn, its more just an experiment to see how to construct a cairn, some time soon i want to build a camera obscura cairn, where i can record the coastal environment through a natural source built by the materials from the area.

I love the vast selection of different stone colours available at this beach, such a diverse palate of colours and textures to work with.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Sketchbook Pages

Sketchbook pages, sketches and photographs from the beach.

Saturday, 1 May 2010


This photography is just part of some experiments that i did over easter. I was looking at Andy Goldsworthy's "Beach Cairn", where he took different coloured stones to create land-art or sculptures, i loved his use of natural material and wanted to make my own attempt, as feeble as it may be! The red stone was great to use as a contrast against the other stones, another aspect to this image is that you can see the curvature of the earth on the horizon of the sea. This will defiantly be something i am going to work further with, in a much larger scale and grander attempt.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Panoramic Glass Engraving

Glass engraving of panoramic image of Westport beach, Kintyre, 152x44cm.

Glass engraving detail.

Panoramic Beach

Oil paint and graphite 140x76cm, Westport Beach, Kintyre.

Graphite and watercolour on newsprint 69x26cm, Westport Beach, Kintyre.

Woodcut Prints and Casts

Prints created from six woodcuts of seaweed detail. After printing the woodcuts, six corresponding plaster casts of the woodcuts were cast.

Six woodcut prints.

Woodcut print detail 41x41cm

Set of six plaster casts of seaweed woodcuts, which correspond to the black and white prints, each cast - 41x41cm

Seaweed plaster cast detail black, 41x41cm

Plaster Casts

These plaster casts are some of my most successful pieces from the last few months. These plaster casts which have a sand surface have been printed into with inked up zinc etching plates. The zinc plates capture drawings of dried seaweed found on the beaches around kintyre. I like the combination of print and sculpture.